The secret goings-on at Godstone Farm on Christmas Day

Ever wondered what goes on at Godstone Farm when the gates are closed and we’re all tucking into our festive feasts? The farm’s livestock manager, Richard Ide, spills all the secrets – from Christmas newborns to singalongs and animal favourites.

Godstone Farm might be closed to the public on Christmas Day, but that doesn’t mean you get a day off, does it?

Godstone Farm in Surrey.

Richard: No, not at all. While the gates might be closed to visitors, our animals still need care and attention. It’s a bit like any other day, just with a quieter atmosphere. 

How does your day start?

Sheep and lambs at Godstone Farm in Surrey.

Richard: I usually start my day around 7am. The first thing I do is a quick check of all the livestock, ensuring they’re all healthy and comfortable. My first stop is always the barn, as we have pygmy goats who are due to give birth around Christmas. It’s not uncommon for us to hear the sound of tiny hoofs on Christmas Day.  After that I will start checking water supplies, food levels, and any signs of illness or distress.

Don’t tell anyone, but sometimes enjoy a little Christmas sing-along as it’s only the animals who have to put up with my singing! (Not that usually stops me!) With all the lovely Christmas decorations up around the farm from the Christmas experience, it feels really festive! All of our animals receive different kinds of enrichment on Christmas Day, usually in the form of a wrapped present with their favourite food inside. So they get to open presents just like us.

What jobs have to be done?

Douggie the Valais Blacknose ram at Godstone Farm in Surrey.

Richard: The daily chores continue, even on Christmas Day. We need to clean out the animal enclosures, refill hay and feed, and administer any necessary medications. We also have to monitor the health of the animals closely, and be ready to intervene if needed. Because the farm is only closed on Christmas Day and Boxing Day we often use the time to keep the walkways clean and tidy, ready to re-open on 27 Dec.  We might need to grit some areas if it’s icy and we also check the machinery such as the farm’s BIG blue tractor, to make sure it’s had a run in the cold weather.

How long does it take? Do you make it home for Christmas lunch?

A rabbit at Godstone Farm in Surrey.

Richard: The morning routine usually takes a couple of hours. It’s a bit of a juggling act to ensure everything is done efficiently, but we always manage to get home for a late Christmas lunch. In the past, if we have had a poorly rabbit, or piglet that’s the runt of the litter, it has been taken home to keep extra warm and monitored closely. I actually consider myself lucky that I’m out in the morning as I don’t have to help with all the Christmas dinner preparations! But it does mean I get left the washing up!

Do you have help? How many people are working at Godstone Farm on Christmas Day?

The delivery suite at Godstone Farm in Surrey.

Richard: We have a dedicated team of hardworking staff who are willing to work at Godstone Farm on Christmas Day. Typically, we just have a couple of us on each shift, to ensure the smooth running of the farm. So If I’m on the morning shift someone else will come in the afternoon to put the animals to bed.

Is it more relaxed without the public around?

A ferret at Godstone Farm in Surrey.

Richard: In a way, yes. It’s quieter and less hectic. But, it’s also important to remember that the animals still need constant care and attention, so it’s a different kind of busy.

Do you think the animals miss the usual attention (and foodie treats) they get from the children and families who visit?

Livestock manager Richard Ide at Godstone Farm in Surrey.

Richard: I think so. In fact, I often think it must feel a little strange for the animals too. They are all social creatures and love the interaction with our visitors, so we make sure that they get lots of attention on Christmas Day too. 

Given how busy and bustling the farm is every other day, it must feel a little surreal?

Richard: It does feel a bit surreal, especially when you walk around the farm and it’s so quiet. But it’s also a peaceful time to appreciate the beauty of the farm – all 45 acres of rolling Surrey Hills and the vast variety of animals. 

And then on Boxing Day – do you get up and do it all again?

Richard: Yes. The animals don’t take a day off, so neither do we. It’s a 365-day-a-year job and I’m very grateful for such a dedicated livestock team. 

Do you have a favourite farm animal?

Turner the alpaca and Steve her baby at Godstone Farm in Surrey.

Richard: Well, I have my own pet at Godstone Farm – Echo the Barn Owl – so I would have to say she is my favourite. Owls are such amazing animals and constantly fascinate me. They have such interesting behaviours.  She’s a hit with the customers too, I think there’s always something magnificent about seeing an owl up close. And in fact she starred in a recent photo shoot with our elves so she’s a firm favourite. But, of the wider farm animals, I’d say the pigs. They’re intelligent, playful, and always full of character. I’ve been lucky enough to see all of our current litter of piglets be born on the farm, which is always a special experience.  Although Steve, our newborn cria (baby alpaca) is definitely one of my favourites. It’s very hard to choose!

The Godstone Farm Christmas Experience is on 14-15 December and then 20-24 December. Winter passes are available from now until 31 March 2025, offering unlimited access to the farm and the new indoor playbarn for the named passholder. Cost is £75 per pass.

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